But I don't feel I can express them at DU without someone dragging them up a few years later to paint me as "woo." :( So it goes.
I'll say this: After consultation with my MD, I've had great results using herbs (rather than / after having tried standard pharmaceuticals) to safely and without side effects treat more than one medical condition.
I think labeling and standardization are important--which is why I only buy from reputable brands that are independently audited for quality--but I think the solution proposed is more heavy-handed than the problem warrants. I don't believe that snake-oil salesman should be allowed to make unverified claims in labeling, but I'm much more concerned about ingredient quality and purity than I am about the hyperbolic claims of any given panacea.
I think, however, that I'm among a very small minority of veggie DUers who feel this way. :shrug: