Previous thread I posted in this forum back in March when I was closing in on 35%: is a couple of days late, but I meant for it to be posted on Thanksgiving day.
I'm now at 343, which is my lowest weight since 2001. I'm hoping to get under 300 by my birthday in March of 2011, whereupon I'll be at my lightest weight in 20 years. My eventual goal will be somewhere around 200.
I'm feeling pretty good, and I'm amazed that I'm able to keep this up in the face of a lot of stressful situations we have going on in our lives right now. First and foremost among those is the fact that my wife is going through a complete nightmare trying to get a copy of her birth certificate, and until she has it she can't get a State ID card, can't even apply for work, and is basically an "unperson." There's a lot more, but I'm not going to get into it here. I've been forced to curtail what I say here, as well as on the McDougall website due to some The assholes over at the "cave" (website full of little cretinous little petty-ass cyber-bullies who love to stalk DU'ers) don't need any more ammo at this time.
I never would have come this far without the help of Dr. McDougall and his advocacy of a starchy, plant-based diet. I continue to eat well, considering that we're in the poor house, and rarely stray from the plan.
A graph of my progress so far:
Once I hit 300, I'll post some "before" and "during" photos here. I still have a way to go, but I'm a
very different person now than I was at 519!