Not trying or wishing to be even remotely argumentative; I'm a vegetarian who avoids dairy and eggs; I avoid these products not so much for my health, but because the lives of the animals in mainstream food production are so brutal and utterly miserable. I can't even bear to think about it.
But I came across this article, discussing the merits of soy and grain production (large scale) and the vast amounts of land that are decimated to produce those products in quantity vs. small farmers that raise well treated animals and ensure that there is no fear or pain when the animals are slaughtered (yes, understanding that as far as they know ... there is no fear or pain).
I guess this article is more about eating locally -- that a person needs to balance their choices and go for the least harmful ones possible - and that includes packaging, shipping, production, land use, everything.
If this is at all inappropriate or offensive here, please delete. As I mentioned, I have no intention of upsetting anyone here. This blog piece just touched on animal rights, so I figured this was as good a place as any (though I'd be happy to wade into GD for fun if anyone thinks I should :D )