Received this from the Animal Rights Online newsletter.
Dear Animal Rights Online subscribers,
Steve Hindi with SHARK is currently in New Jersey with his Tiger Video Truck protesting Campbell Soup for sponsoring rodeos ( Steves truck is called "The Tiger" because it's on the prowl for animal abuse, and sends its prey scurrying for cover from coast to coast.
EnglandGal would like to ask our online subscribers to assist with Steve's tireless efforts by emailing or mailing the following letter (or write one of your own). Please forward me any and all correspondence you have with Campbell Soups so I may compile and share the results with Steve.
Thanks to all who participates. Steve is a dear personal friend and a true hero to our animal friends, so I ask for as much support in this request as possible. Please also forward this request on to other animal friendly organizations, activists and post on any message boards.
The letter below can easily be copied and paste into a new email and emailed to
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Mr. Doug Conant, President and CEO
Campbell Soup Company
1 Campbell Place
Camden, NJ 08103-1701
(856) 342-4800
Mr. Harvey Golub
Chairman of the Board
Campbell Soup Company
Consumer Response and Information Center
1 Campbell Place
Camden, NJ 08103-1701
Dear Misters Conant and Golab:
I am very disappointed to learn that the Campbell Soup Company is
sponsoring rodeos through its subsidiary Pace Foods. The abusive
treatment of animals in rodeos is well documented, and it is condemned
by every animal protection organization worldwide.
Rodeo isn’t even a legitimate sport. Sport, by definition, is a
contest between willing and equally matched participants. Rodeo, by
contrast, is merely an exercise in the domination of man over animals.
Rodeo animals are frequently injured and killed. Broken backs, legs,
necks, and internal injuries are not uncommon. Most significantly,
these animals are generally left to suffer and die rather than humanely euthanized.
I find it very disturbing that you have refused to meet with SHARK, the humane organization with the most extensive documentation of rodeo animal abuse, to discuss your support for this indefensibly cruel activity. Your partnership with rodeo comes as a shock as Campbell’s has always portrayed itself as an ethical company. Abusing animals for the purpose of trivial entertainment certainly is not ethical. I ask that you find more wholesome and worthy recipients for your corporate generosity.