I'll betcha that her mom and dad aren't getting drunk and stupid, and then mistreating nor neglecting her. I'll also bet that her mom and dad will be more attentive to their human child where Mavis is concerned. I'll bet that Mavis is being appreciated at a different level, loved more, and held in a higher esteem. I'll bet that she had a GREAT time hanging out with smbolisnch and her folks. I'll bet that she realizes what smbolisnch and her folks did for her, stepping in to be loving, caring and responsible. I'll bet that she knows to what lengths smbolisnch went to help her out.
I'll also bet that Mavis knows what a pivotal role she played in the lives of many people. I'll bet that she knows that peacebuzzard was ready to take her in, as was a certain goofball in Tampa. I'll bet that she knows that there's a whole group of folks behind her if she needs us. I'll bet she sleeps a little sounder because of it.
Dogs (and so many other animals) have this funny way of "knowing" things. Sort of a canine 6th or 7th sense. It's like they hear things that aren't spoken. I'll bet that's partially why her tail wagged so hard when Jen came to pick her up.
I think that her tail said many things for her. I think that it said, in no uncertain terms, "I'm glad to see you. I know deep down you love me, but you're messed up right now. I'll stand by you because that's what I do as part of my perfection. I don't judge, I forgive infinitely and I give love unfailingly. However, should you betray me, be aware that there are others that love me as unfailingly as I love you. Those people will see to it that I find a place where you can't betray me any more. Thank you, smbolisnch, for everything. Now let's go home."
Yeah. That's how it is.
Or maybe it's simpler than that. Maybe she was thinking the whole time that tail was going, "yo. Let's get something straight, savvy? I got a network, capice? You do me wrong, and this girl is gonna hook it up and drop a dime. If she can't make with the liberatin' THEN, this 400 pound gorilla with a ski mask, boltcutters and a bad attitude are gonna pay me a visit. You won't see it coming any more than you'll ever see me again. Now, crack open the Snausages, and let's make with the belly rubs."
Either way, I'll betcha Mavis is up on the couch tonight.