Just saw this in my Humane Farming Association's newsletter:
Apparently there's some very misleading legislation pending in NY - it pretends to criminalize force feeding, but it actually contains no criminal penalties and has been deliberately designed to undercut all existing state anti-cruelty laws (until the year 2016!). This sellout completely trivializes animal torture - and directly benefits New York State's sole producer of foie gras.
http://www.hfa.org/force_feeding/ny3330a.htmlThe HFA is asking that even if you don't live in NY, PLEASE contact Governor Pataki and ask him to VETO the "force-feeding bill" (A 6212 and S 3330) if it reaches his desk.
Governor George E. Pataki
State Capitol
Albany, NY 12224
(518) 474-8390
If you live in New York state, please contact your State Senator and ask them to OPPOSE S 3330 by Senator Bonacic. Mention that S 3330 would only benefit the state's sole producer of foie gras and that it is NOT a "compromise" but a betrayal for the animals involved in this barbaric practice just for the sake of profit.
Please pass this along to your friends (whether they live in NY or not!) and urge them to contact Governor Pataki!