Talking point #1: Quickly neutralize the charge
Note: The following is my own opinion and not any official position of any group, although I do cite official statements from PETA.I have noticed that in various places on the internet where the charges are leveled against PETA and the animal rights movement in general, animal rights advocates who are present on the boards, etc. often do not know how to quickly and effectively neutralize these charges into nothingness.
The charges of PETA's hypocrisy can be quickly be dismissed with a single link to the PETA fact sheet
Euthanasia: The Compassionate Option.
Because of the high number of unwanted companion animals and the lack of good homes, sometimes the most humane thing that a shelter worker can do is give an animal a peaceful release from a world in which dogs and cats are often considered “surplus” and unwanted. PETA, The American Veterinary Medical Association, and The Humane Society of the United States concur that an intravenous injection of sodium pentobarbital administered by a trained professional is the kindest, most compassionate method of euthanizing animals. The American Humane Association considers this to be the only acceptable method of euthanasia for cats and dogs in animal shelters.
This should level the "hypocrisy" charge. If they come back with "It is not hypocritical for _mainstream_ organizations to support euthanasia but for an animal rights group to support killing animals?"
This can be countered with the fact that the corner stone of animal rights is the belief that animals have the right not to suffer from our exploitation, abuse, or neglect and that since we have assumed stewardship over dogs and cats in our societies, it is our responsibility to see that we reduce their suffering.
As for the unfortunate episode involving the two misguided PETA employees caught attempting to dispose of euthanized carcasses in a public dumpster, admit that these employees are guilty only of attempting to improperly dispose of the dead animals and NOT of animal cruelty since the carcasses were those of euthanized animals.
Finally, close with a "If you are so alarmed by the number of animals PETA is forced to put down in conjunction with area animal shelters, I am sure you would be equally alarmed by the number/percentage of adoptable animals are put down by your local animal shelter."