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Making a launcher for Real Audio streams

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alfredo Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Feb-09-05 02:27 PM
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Making a launcher for Real Audio streams
Edited on Wed Feb-09-05 03:24 PM by alfredo
I use this script for BBC and Air America Radio. Open Applications/AppleScript

Open the Script Editor and paste this in the window.

tell application "RealPlayer"
open location ""
end tell

Hit Run to see if it opens your real player and runs the BBC news.

For Air America paste this URL


to get the feeds from other stations, right click or control click the link and copy the link. Make sure it looks something like the above links.

You can save the script, giving it an appropriate name, saving it as an application, or however you want.

Here's a good icon for the bbc launcher

To make it the icon for your app, highlight the downloaded icon image, hit command-c

then highlight the lancher app, hit get info, then highlight the displayed icon at top of the window, then hit command-v It should now appear in place of the generic script icon.
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dandrhesse Donating Member (500 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Feb-21-05 05:53 PM
Response to Original message
1. okay I am probably a dork but could you explain a little more
when I went in the script editor it didn't have the options you mention. I run OS 9.2.2 is that the reason? If not maybe you could be a little more graphic or even better make a screen shot and post it?

I am a very visual learner so any pictures would probably be helpful, thanks a bunch. I live in the boonies and get no leftie radio, none whatsoever so I would really like to run Real Player.

I use Netscape 6.2 and everytime I have tried to use it my internet connection failed. I also tried downloading and installing the mac version of the microsoft media player and that doesn't even want to load on the computer. So any help you can offer will be greatly appreciated!

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alfredo Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Feb-22-05 12:54 AM
Response to Reply #1
2. Let's see
Paste the text into the bottom window. Hit run to see if it works. If it works, go to file then "save as." near the bottom of the save dialog you will see options to save as a compiled script, or as an application. Save as an application. Don't forget to name it and save to to the desktop or some other convenient location.
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