Here it is...
set songname to (do shell script "cd /opt/local/bin/ ; ./lynx -dump")
if text 6 through 6 of songname = "+" then
set songname to text 7 through -1 of songname
set songname to text 1 through -7 of songname
set songname to decode_text(songname)
set songname to replace_chars(songname, "+", " ")
set songname to text 13 through -1 of songname
set songname to text 1 through -7 of songname
set songname to decode_text(songname)
set songname to replace_chars(songname, "+", " ")
end if
if text 1 through end of songname contains "Jazz" then
set songname to text 1 through -4 of songname
end if
on decode_chars(these_chars)
copy these_chars to {indentifying_char, multiplier_char, remainder_char}
set the hex_list to "123456789ABCDEF"
if the multiplier_char is in "ABCDEF" then
set the multiplier_amt to the offset of the multiplier_char in the hex_list
set the multiplier_amt to the multiplier_char as integer
end if
if the remainder_char is in "ABCDEF" then
set the remainder_amt to the offset of the remainder_char in the hex_list
set the remainder_amt to the remainder_char as integer
end if
set the ASCII_num to (multiplier_amt * 16) + remainder_amt
return (ASCII character ASCII_num)
end decode_chars
on decode_text(this_text)
set flag_A to false
set flag_B to false
set temp_char to ""
set the character_list to {}
repeat with this_char in this_text
set this_char to the contents of this_char
if this_char is "%" then
set flag_A to true
else if flag_A is true then
set the temp_char to this_char
set flag_A to false
set flag_B to true
else if flag_B is true then
set the end of the character_list to ¬
my decode_chars(("%" & temp_char & this_char) as string)
set the temp_char to ""
set flag_A to false
set flag_B to false
set the end of the character_list to this_char
end if
end repeat
return the character_list as string
end decode_text
on replace_chars(this_text, search_string, replacement_string)
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to the search_string
set the item_list to every text item of this_text
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to the replacement_string
set this_text to the item_list as string
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ""
return this_text
end replace_chars
tell application "Quicksilver" to show large type songname