The damn thing won't charge...or, actually it will, but only at the "trickle charge" level you get when the ring on the plug is glowing green instead of orange.
I can fiddle with the plug and get it to go to an orange glow, which means that the power adapter thinks it's charging the computer, but the computer doesn't get the message: no little "lighting bolt" next to the battery indicator at the top right of th screen. (I'm still running System 9.)
I've flat-discharged the battery, and re-set both the power manager switch on the back and the one under the keyboard.
Anyone ever have this happen, and might be able to tell me if it's the charger unit, or the charger receptacle/board inside the computer that's at fault? I can replace either, but would prefer not to replace both if only one is at fault.
And, damn, the "lightning bolt" icon for charging just came on, even though I haven't changed or moved anything.
I haven't seen any description of this specific problem at either Apple or Macintouch. But I figure that DU, with its deep well of wonderfully competent people, might be able to provide me with an answer that nobody else could. (The "lightning bolt" just went out again after 45 seconds. Booger.)
Any ideas? Thanks in advance.