The last 3 topics I have responded to in
the Mac forum have involved mentioning my 1995 PowerMac...
Several other recent threads have centered upon
"less than modern" Mac hardware.
So, I thought it might be TIMELY to start
a 'Vintage Mac' thread.
One BIG reason we LOVE the MACs is the fact that they
DON'T need to be replaced every 3 years like the PC clones,
so I want to limit thread participation to the
old Macs that are STILL IN USE;
to every Mac that is "forgotten but not gone".
I'll go first: Here's a pic of the desk I am posting this from
right now:
The 15" BeachBall iMac at right is my main man;
that's what I type on when I surf and post.
OS 10.2.8, 700mhx, 640MB RAM.
And my LaCie BigDisk is up there behind it; I've been saving
shit at random for 2 years and it's still not half full.
Best $189 I ever spent.
(and hardest $189 I ever earned;
I put crown molding in a room that had NO standard angles,
and spent a full day just building jigs to hold it in the chopsaw
to cut it close enough to START to hand-fit it )
But that is not relevant to this thread.
That box at top center, with the 2 pink PostIt notes
stuck to it:
It's a 1995 PowerMac which I got free from
the original owner.
She's an Architect, and she bought it new because she needed
the BEST, "price-is-no-object" box on the market to run C.A.D.
building-design software.
It cost TWICE as much as the vehicle she drove through 6 years of
College and Architectural School, but she got what she paid for:
A 'blazing fast' 95mhz processor, a HUGE 1.3 gig HD,
and a maxed-out 40mb of RAM.
1995: High - Tech SHIT!
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
The reason I keep it powered up is direcly underneath it:
That thing with the red label you can't quite read is a
1996 UMAX 'VistaScan' flatbed scanner.
Also a freebie from one of my Sweetie's co-workers,
it works as good as it ever did. Scans up to 500 DPI,
way more potential than I'll need in the forseeable future...
but it sure don't work with OS X!
Plus, the mighty PowerMac also runs my "Crystal Caliburn Pinball" game,
which simply refuses to function on OS X 'Classic Mode'.
The 3 boxes at left are my "computer desk"; a desk made from
computers. Keeps the PowerMac keyboard and mousepad at comfortable
levels. It's a 75mhz PowerMac, and 2 Performa 650s on the bottom.
I got the 2 Performas at a flea market; the guy had 20 of them
for $5 each, "as is".
The Flea Market was only open on weekends; and the guy selling
them left them sitting outside the other 5 days a week.
No one ever bothered to steal any.
But they still work (after a week in front of a fan to dry out the rainwater)
and one had a HD I'm saving for posterity.
Some nice family back in 1994 not only used it to manage their kids'
grade-school Drama Club (financial records AND 'work-in-progress' SCRIPTS),
they also had one of the very first internet-buying accounts!
No 'PayPal'; it didn't even use the word INTERNET!
It used some clunky term like "Your MODEM-BUYING Account"...
And I have saved the entire HD for posterity.
It will be an awesome display someday, when schoolchildren take field trips
to museums to learn about the origins of the Internets.
But I ramble, so let me cut this short (too late!)
You gotta OLD Mac that still earns its keep?
You have a MACbox that just keeps keepin' on,
an old soldier who refuses to fade away?
POST HERE, and tell us all about it!