Leopard trick. You have a few, pass them on.
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Tue Dec-11-07 01:26 PM
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Leopard trick. You have a few, pass them on. |
Edited on Tue Dec-11-07 01:54 PM by alfredo
For a mosaic effect:
-open system preferences -switch to Desktop & Screensaver -open the screensavertab -select a picturefolder on the left -under the previewwindow you can select mosaic as display option.
Make sure there are images in that folder.
(1000+ posts)
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Tue Dec-11-07 04:47 PM
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1. My Leopard will be delivered on Thursday |
As soon as I figure out any tips or tricks, I'll pass them on.
(1000+ posts)
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Tue Dec-11-07 05:10 PM
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2. Enjoy. Remember that you will have to turn on Spaces to get them |
to work. It will be in System Preferences under Expose & Spaces. There will be a checkbox at the top right. Make sure it is selected. You might as well check the other one too. F8 is used to bring up the four windows. Control arrow keys is for navigation.
In F8 you can drag and drop open windows from desktop to desktop
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Thu Feb 27th 2025, 08:38 PM
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