Need USB HD help, please!
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Thu Sep-03-09 10:07 AM
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Need USB HD help, please! |
My SO gave me a Western Digital USB hard drive so I can off load some of my files to storage.
His PC is Windows XP... and he removed all of his data so that I could use it.
But when I try to move my files to it, it says I have read only permission.
Do I need to reformat that USB drive for my Mac? How do I do that?
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Thu Sep-03-09 10:49 AM
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1. Highlight the drive on your desktop and do command+I |
Edited on Thu Sep-03-09 10:53 AM by onehandle
Click on the lock on the lower right of the dialog it presents.
Make sure that the privilege next to "system" says "Read & Write."
Or if you cannot reset the permissions...
Go to Applications>Utilities>Disk Utility
Start Disk Utility.
Highlight the disk in the left column.
Click on the Erase header on the right side.
Use the default settings and reformat the drive. (This will totally erase the drive and anything on it)
This should work for most any drive and will give you full permissions.
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Thu Sep-03-09 11:20 AM
Response to Reply #1 |
It's working great now.
I can move my Sean Bean pic collection now.
:blush: :crazy:
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Thu Feb 27th 2025, 08:39 PM
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