WHY? Well the Macbook got a new HD oh six months ago. And this is not about Mac, but the production system we have these days. It growls when you send it to sleep. Now Seagate (you know the guys who provide Mac with drives) have had a few issues at their factories in China... I suspect because of the conditions they have for their sla... err workers.
Until we change this system forget it, about getting quality.
So off to the genius bar I go. And no, this is not about Mac, but the lousy political economy we live under these days.
In an ideal world those drives would be made in a US Facility with UNION labor. But in the world we live at, it is made by 15 year old kids working in horrendous conditions. Oh and did I mention those kids will not learn how to use a computer? Mac, Windows, Linux, don't matter.
So off to the Bar I go... and hopefully it will not run an arm and a leg to replace a defective drive.