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Make An OS X Lion Boot Disc

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Ichingcarpenter Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jul-21-11 08:24 AM
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Make An OS X Lion Boot Disc
Lion may be the first release of the Mac OS to be delivered as a digital download, but there has been a circulating method to burn the Lion download onto a bootable DVD. The process still works for the Golden Master version of Lion and is a pretty straightforward process for Mac users who are comfortable making their way around the Finder.

An email from Steve Jobs suggested the only way to perform a completely clean install of Lion was to first install Snow Leopard, then install Lion on top of that. That is a pain in the neck, to say the least. By burning your own Lion disc, you can painlessly do clean installs on all your machines.

Another reason to have a physical install disc is if you have Macs in an area with poor or no Internet. Apple has suggested that Mac owners come into Apple Retail Stores and download Lion on the store Internet connection -- useful for some, but some people live hours from the nearest Apple Store. By burning a disc, users can download Lion only once, and install it easily on all their Macs. Here's how to do it.

As posted by Egg Freckles, this method should work in the final retail release of Lion:

- Once Lion is released, purchase and download it from the Mac App Store.

- Locate the OS X Lion installer and right-click on it. Select 'Show Package Contents'.

- Inside the 'Contents' folder, there is a 'SharedSupport' folder. Inside that is the Lion Installer. It's called 'InstallESD.dmg".

- Copy 'InstallESD.dmg' to the Desktop by clicking and dragging it while holding down the Option-key. You should see a little green plus icon if you did it right.

- Open Disk Utility. Head to the Go menu in the Finder and select 'Utilities'. Disk Utility should be in there.

- Click the burn button.

- Select 'InstallESD.dmg' from the Desktop, insert a blank 4.7GB DVD and wait. Once it's finished, you'll have a shiny new Lion install DVD.

You can now install Lion on whatever machines you like, just as if you'd purchased the install disc from your local Apple Store. Lion is expected to launch on the Mac App Store this week.

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onehandle Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jul-21-11 03:54 PM
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1. I'm making a USB flash drive boot disc --->
I rarely even use the optical drive on my MBP and want to keep it that way.

Basically the same instructions, but you target the flash drive instead.
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struggle4progress Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jul-21-11 08:38 PM
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2. I'm not sure you can upgrade an existing installation with this dmg
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struggle4progress Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jul-22-11 11:51 PM
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3. Well, I was wrong. The disk burned from the dmg WILL update
Upgraded an osx install from leopard to snow leopard
Updated snow leopard to 10.6.8
Dropped in the lion install disk burned from 'InstallESD.dmg'
Restarted machine holding down the option key
Selected the 'EFIBoot' instead of 'Macintosh HD' when boot disk option screen appeared
Waited for the spinner to finish
Waited for the spinner to finish
Waited for the spinner to finish
Waited for the spinner to finish
Finally utilities screen comes up
Selected reinstall osx, choose disk, accepted license agreement
Utilities downloaded and installed additional components, upgrading to lion
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