if you live in an area that already seems taken over by fundies and the lot, start finding other like minded Democrats and meeting on a regular basis. This website is great, but you HAVE to find each other in person and start working on ways to get the fundies out of elected offices in your city, area, district, parish, whatnot.
If there are fundies, etc, STARTING to take elected offices, THWART THEM. Don't let them go under your radar, that is their MO. They get in quietly, they keep their extremists views kinda on the DL, and then they get on the school board, city council, etc. Then they wreak HAVOC.
Watch them. Network with your fellow local Dems. Start small if you have to.
We caught our little fundie movement early and we are totally nipping it in the bud. We've defeated two of them and are going to get rid of another in 2006.
I don't care HOW paranoid this sounds, republicans do the same damn thing. Watch them like hawks and make moves to cut them off. Strengthen your local Dem party.