Edited on Wed Dec-15-04 05:53 PM by carolinayellowdog
And only 3 of the top 15! The most perplexing thing about all this is how Utah, Idaho, Nebraska, et al get off scott free while much-less-red states like Virginia and Florida are targeted for denunciation as "Southern." In the recently-locked thread in GD, even a Kentuckian and a West Virginian started piling on with anti-Southern attacks. For a Virginian/Carolinian it is especially galling to read such bs from places so far behind VA/NC in income, education, health, the arts, and so on. As it was to see someone from 63% Bush North Dakota piling on the other day.
Mostly it seems to be people from the Northeast, West Coast, and blue Midwestern states who enjoy blaming and attacking the South while ignoring the much redder Great Plains and Mountain States. Why? I think that these states are just *invisible* to most who don't inhabit them. When someone is looking to project the Shadow onto a satisfying target-- the shadow being racism, inequality, violence, superstition, etc., all the negative aspects of American life-- somehow the South fits that psychic need far better than the more solidly Republican states. Obviously the Civil War has a lot to do with that; all the ritual denunciations and wishes that we were not in the same country have to do with a psychology of contamination and cleansing. America is contaminated with negative values and false beliefs that Bush exemplifies, and if only we could rid ourselves of the contamination everything would be fine. Hence the "get rid of the Southerners" motif. People on the coasts don't have enough psychic connection to the *real* Republican strongholds to feel any satisfaction at the thought of expelling Utah, Idaho, and all.
BTW I'm not sure that even two of the top ten are in the South. If Texans were asked to choose between South and Southwest as the region they belong to, I think 3/4 would choose the latter. Texas does not feel to me part of the region I call home any more than New England does-- less so in fact. I've been wondering why Texans at DU don't just start denouncing the South themselves in order to fit in!