If I may expand a bit, I think without realizing it a lot of people are flying right by the real reason we lost the last election (potential fraud and voting problems notwithstanding) and have lost every one since FDR in which a Southern Democrat was not the candidate. Even if the election had turned out in our favor, it would have been extremely close, which means simply that a lot of the problems the Democratic Party faces are very much present and threaten to destroy it entirely if not addressed in a meaningful way. How to do this is the question, and I personally have no good answers at the moment. And, I hate to say this because I supported the man fully, I but a fear a Kerry victory would simply have made these problems worse than they already are, if that's possible. It would have justified the "ignore the South" strategy.
I don't mean to oversimply. I know the political landscape is far more complicated than any single issue (or region) could embody, but I believe the fact remains that Democrats, by and large, have written off the South as a "lost cause," if you'll pardon the pun. :-) I find this ironic since a greater proportion of the people to which the base Democratic message is supposedly tailored to appeal live in the South than in other areas.
One of the problems is, to my mind, best described by a scene in a movie called _Dazed and Confused_. The wanna-be social servant and liberal political activist on his last day in high school has come to a realization while standing in line at the DMV that he "really doesn't like all those people been talking about wanting to help." The bigger problem is that Southerners realize this and act against their own interests due to the rather open insult. They say they want to help, but they really don't like me, so what am I supposed to believe ... that sort of thing. Republicans end up looking appealing because they are willing at least to pretend to embrace the culture if not the people, and to Southerners, our distinctive culture is very important. By contrast, Democrats in many areas of the country do not respect or even pretend to respect Southern culture. The choice in this case becomes rather simple and simplistic.
The Democrats lost this election when the MSM coined the term "NASCAR Dads" and a sizable proportion of the rank and file began openly insulting those who fit the description. IMO.