With me, it was mostly food and little things like someone saying "Please?" when they meant, "What?"
The food was the big thing. My uncle was in the Air Force and so traveled all over, and I hated it when we visited him when he was stationed up North, particularly North Dakota. The place was fine -- the little trip into Canada was great -- but the food was just confusing. I've always loved hash browns. Seems people who live north of somewhere in Kansas don't have a clue what they are. They still sell them, but that mess is not hash browns.
And don't get me started on tea. :-)
The "Please?" thing got me in trouble, more than once. "Hey, can I go over there?" (This was on a military base.) "Please?" My little mind was thinking that this sounded like a question, but seemed more like and indication my aunt wanted me to go, so I went, and then I found myself be grilled about why I was getting into an officer's jeep. I learned "Please?" meant "What?" as in "I didn't hear you," but I never understood it. Still don't.