Keep in mind that internet discussion sites have all the disadvantages of a pure democracy (polarization, mob-hysteria, deviant-role immersion, demogoguery, and dumbing down of debates) while not quite servicing many of the advantages of democracy (open opportunity, interpersonal accountability).
So when some igmo from California, New York, or Minnesota posts a thread about what re-tards Southerners are (while conveniently forgetting who elected Schwarzenneggar, Giuliani, and Coleman) it doesn't really get under my skin much. I don't think most Yankees, West Coasters, or Great Lakesians are that rock solid in their prejudices against the South. A few are and those few will naturally be over-represented in a forum for personal opinions. But I don't mistake their loudness as an indicator of them having said something worth paying attention to.
We have boneheads in the South too. I don't pay attention to nutjobs at the street corner bus stop who rant and rave some idiocy. It's harder to distinguish head cases from serious thinkers on the internet. There's a natural human prejudice toward believing anything written down has been composed by a logical mind deserving of rebuttal and respectful dialogue. I don't fall for it.