Edited on Tue Jun-14-05 11:30 PM by RoyGBiv
You should see the chaos this has created in a history group I frequent. The hardboiled SCV types are all "blaming" the liberals, primarily carpetbaggers and New Yorkers for some reason, while others are, as you point out, highlighting the Southerners who didn't sign the bill while ignoring the non-Southerners. And then there's another group that's even more bizarre. They are bashing Southerners with abandon, but at the same time are bashing liberals. It's a convulted bit of logic these latter produce. Somehow, Southerners regardless of political ideology or personal involvement or moral convictions are bad because of the lynchings, but at the same time those who apologized for the lynchings are also bad because, according to their logic, no one outside the South should apologize and so those non-Southerners who did so are traitors.
In summary, people are simply stupid.