Mom and gran both keep it on the counter, in little crocks. (EEK!!!)
I don't know if we hit the genetic jackpot or what, but we cut bacon out of our diets for a year, and both my cholesterol and DH's went UP. (We also cut beef to once a week, and pork to twice a week, and lean pork at that.) So a year ago, after spending two years on meds to lower DH's cholesterol and having no luck at all, I let him eat what he feels best eating, which means bacon twice or three times a week, more red meat and some other changes.
It worked. His cholesterol is bordering on low, now. (HDL is excellent; LDL is very low) However, simultaneously, his stress level went way down (he wasn't obsessing about food and his job got easier because Obnoxious Boss went away) and we finally got his allergy related apnea under control (by getting his allergies under control), so we don't know which factor it was that did what it was supposed to do with him. It might have been all of them. It's well known that a lower-stress lifestyle is a better predictor of cardiac health than cholesterol numbers. (Thus, the French and Italians can have all that lovely saturated fat and not have the heart disease rates, because they set up their culture to allow for time to walk, eat in peace, and have real vacations!!)
Mine seems to flux with hormones, so who knows what affects mine. (Ah, yes... I am the only woman on the planet who complains of the PMS symptom of astronomical LDL... for 3 days a cycle.)