I made these last night for Mrs bearfan. They came out pretty good.
Peel and slice some potatoes the thickness you want them. Boil them almost all the way done. Drain, rinse, and let cool. Put a layer of them on the bottom of a pyrex baking dish sprayed with Pam. Add some sliced onions and cheese(whatever kind you like). Put another layer of potatoes, onions, and cheese. Repeat for however many layers you want. A deeper dish works best for this. I like 3 or 4 layers. Don't be chincy with the cheese either. I put a small can of evaporated milk just before baking to make it a little richer. Cover with tin foil and bake about 40 minutes at 350. Take off the foil the last 10 minutes if you like it crispy on top. Put an old cookie sheet underneath because sometimes it boils over. I don't use salt because of high bp, but it's better for everyone to add their own salt when it's done because some people like more salt than others. You can always add more salt, but you can't take it out if you put too much, besides the cheese is kind of salty already. Enjoy.