To be honest, we weren't massively impressed with this way of cooking - it didn't really add anything to the enjoyment of the dish and we were worried that raw pork and beef were being mixed on the same plate and then served with the same utensils. You need to be really careful about pork (and turkey) to avoid food poisoning, but beef can be eaten raw (if it's decent quality) or at least rare once you've sealed the outside.
We much preferred the oil fondue, where you just plunged bits of beef on skewers into a pot of boiling oil until it was cooked to our preference. The cheese fondue was also fantastic. The "witch's hat" was just a bit of a gimmick IMHO. BTW, it was a solid "hat" with spikes sticking out, rather than a mesh or net effect.
We did get decent grain mustard to accompany the meal, plus the potatoes which were nice and creamy.
To be honest, I think that this meal is more "cliched" French than standard French fare, but it was good to try a few of the national dishes. It's a mistake to assume that French families sit down to snails every night IMHO.
I think that this cooking method would actually work better with flavoured/marinated Asian style meats.