I felt like barbecueing today. I made smoked spare ribs and pasta salad. For the salad you need

Boil your eggs. Put salt in the water and the shells come right off.

Peel, throw away the yolk, cool them off and dice them up along with your other ingredients.

Boil your pasta. I used salad pasta. Rotini works good too. It just depends on what kind you like. I leave them al dente.

Drain your pasta, cool it off, and mix it together with all the other stuff. Add a lot of Hellmann's mayo. This salad takes a lot of mayo. Make sure there is enough that everything is covered pretty good. I used over half a quart, but I made a lot.

Spread the mixture out on a serving platter. Liberally add Parmesan cheese to the top of it and I mean liberally. Decorate it any way you like on top. When we used to have our IBM Christmas parties people would ask me - Hey Stevo are you going to bring your macaroni salad to the potluck ? I used to decorate the top with red and green pepper slices to make it look Christmasy.

Cover it tightly with Saran wrap and put it on the bottom shelf of the icebox. It needs to chill for 4 or 5 hours. Serve cold.

Get your pit fired up for the ribs. I use a little wood too for the smoke flavor.

Get it smoking pretty good.

Season your ribs. I don't add salt because the the Natures Seasoning and the Spicy Season All are both loaded with salt. My ankles are a little swollen from too much salt already.

Put your ribs on.

Close the lid and let it smoke away. Keep an eye on it though. I check it about every 5 or ten minutes to make sure a blaze hasn't just ruined my ribs.

Let it get done but make sure it is still juicy. I hate dried out ribs.

Bring them in and let them rest for about 15 minutes.
Slice them up and put them on a serving dish on the table.

Then tell your wife - It's time to eat honey !