This may not be the most appropriate forum to post this in, so if it gets moved, I'll understand.
We joined Costco after Christmas, and on our first trip there, we marvelled at the supply of frozen shrimp, lobster, and shellfish in general. We decided we'd come back prepared with a cooler next time, so we could stock up on frozen seafood that wouldn't thaw out on the hour-plus drive home.
So we went back earlier this week, armed with a cooler waiting in the trunk of the car. But while they had lots of frozen Maine lobsters, the variety of shrimp (the main goal of the trip) was noticeably narrower than the last trip. We commented on this, figuring maybe it was just the nature of the way Costco kept stocks in, and that maybe things change from visit to visit. We weren't that concerned, and we bought a few packages of shrimp.
It was only later that night, sitting on the couch about to watch TV, that it hit me, because I remembered glancing at the packages of frozen shrimp as I was putting them in the freezer, and seeing "Product of Malaysia."
So there I'd been, callously standing in the aisle at Costco, casually remarking on the fact that the variety of shrimp supply seemed to have changed, without realizing that it was very likely a consequence of the tsunami.
Then the incredible shallowness of my own deduction hit me. All that unimagineable death and devastation after the tsunami - and I notice a lack of variety in seafood a few weeks down the road. I don't think I'll ever look at shrimp in quite the same way again.