Bearfan, you have far more patience than I. I am trying to mimic one of your posts, complete with those great pictures. In the end, I enlisted Sparkly to take the pictures while I did the work ... and then we switched roles. This takes a lot more planning than my feeble little brain may be capable of doing.This is a variation on an earlier thread that I think I called "Soup and Sammiches for Grownups" The sandwiches are very simple. Sliced baguettes with Brie and tomato. We like to pump them up a bit. He's what we did for dinner tonight:

You need a baguette, some sliced tomatoes, cheese, and bacon. The cheeses we used tonight were Brie and Saga (a Brie-like cheese with blue in it .... sorta a cross between Brie and Gorgonzola). The bacon (actually, flat pancetta) is cooked crisp. I did it in the microwave.

Slice the baguette into four pieces and then cut each one open. Don't leave a "hinge"; cut all the way through.

Lay the cheese on the bread and put the tomatoes on the cheese.

Put a generous amount of pepper on the tomatoes.

I add bacon to mine. Sparkly doesn't eat meat so she just enjoys the smell of the cooked bacon.

Put them on a medium grill oiled with a bit of olive oil. Start 'em on the bottom side of the bread. Allow them to brown a bit. We also had soup. I had leftover Beef Barley that I made a while ago and froze. Sparkly had Minestrone.

When the bottom of the bread is brown, turn 'em all over. Once brown on both top and bottom, plate 'em up.

Mangiare e piacere!
I am now so full I feel like bursting!