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One Sister’s ‘Mmm’ Is Another’s ‘Um, No Thanks’

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elleng Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Nov-30-09 09:06 PM
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One Sister’s ‘Mmm’ Is Another’s ‘Um, No Thanks’
Edited on Mon Nov-30-09 09:12 PM by elleng
Hope my sisters and brothers here will enjoy this!

'My pushback on being vegan, or following any rigidly prescribed code of eating, comes from two things, I think: being raised kosher and growing up in the age of Twiggy, to whom I still bear no resemblance. Kosher was an ongoing litany of you-can’t-have-this-with-that. Dieting was a numbers game; if you ate this, you couldn’t eat that. So once I was grown and done with them both, to embrace yet another treaty of denial was out of the question.'

'"You probably know what sugar is so just go ahead and go read something more important now, like that 800-page biography on Robert Moses.”

Brava. I think humor should be mandatory in every diet.' . . .

'It was better having cooled completely because the outside was crunchy, so it tasted more like a cookie and less like homework.' . . .

'I e-mailed her to ask if her boys enjoyed the cookies. She told me that Ilan, the 5-year-old, took one sniff, then refused to try them.

I always liked that kid.'

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Warpy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Nov-30-09 11:29 PM
Response to Original message
1. Flax gel could have replaced that egg
and made a much better cookie.

I know what she means about ending up with stuff that tastes like homework. I had to bake whole wheat/honey cookies for exacting clients and, while I finally got the fat ratio right so that they were cookies instead of rocks, the texture was always funky and the taste just wasn't the same. I've just never understood it--if you're going to eat something bad for you like a cookie, make it really bad for you so you enjoy it fully. That means butter, white and brown sugar, white flour, and eggs. However, do use the real vanilla. That fake stuff sucks.

Now I keep to a pretty strict, highly vegetarian whole foods diet most of the time. However, on my birthday, I'm going to eat real birthday cake with real white pastry flour and real white sugar and real eggs. My tummy won't feel right for a day or two after, but it's my birthday, dammit, and I want cake, not a science lab experiment that kinda looks like the real thing.

I'll leave those food fads and trying to make junk food wholesome to people who bind their lives up with shoulds and oughts.

But when I want junk, I want real junk and pallid substitutions won't do.

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pengillian101 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-01-09 01:36 AM
Response to Reply #1
2. I misread that as...Palin substitutions won't do!
"But when I want junk, I want real junk and pallid substitutions won't do."

Gads, it's getting late out.
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hippywife Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-01-09 12:05 PM
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3. I didn't know you had relatives here. LOL n/t
Edited on Tue Dec-01-09 12:06 PM by hippywife
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