No, I haven't become a pothead -- they take up too much room as it is, that copper is so heavy I can hardly lift them, and we couldn't afford them in the first place.
No, it's THIS naughty stuff:
These things always start innocently enough -- in this case, it starts with some plain fresh strawberries, on sale at the supermarket.
For some reason, I consider some "no sugar added" vanilla ice cream to go with them, "Don't get that crap!" he says. Okay fine, I put it back.
He finds the gelato. "Let's get this!" 220 calories in a half cup?!? Forget it, I say! He puts it back.
Even regular ice cream has a lot less than that! So I start to buy regular ice cream -- and think, wait a minute, what am I doing? We shouldn't be eating this! I put it back.
I go for some Cool Whip. Surely there's sugar free Cool Whip? No? Okay, regular. Fine.
As I'm waiting for him to pick out meat products (ew) from the deli, I read the ingredients in Cool Whip... I put it back.
Now we're back in the freezer aisle having the same discussion. Okay fiiine! We get the gelato. I pick up a little tiny container of plain old ice cream on the way out, though.
At home, I decide to try a liiiiittle taste of the gelato. Dang. I decide a little spoonful on my strawberries, beside a spoonful of ice cream, would be okay. The thing is, the ice cream tastes awful next to this stuff, and melts away like air. The gelato is the creamiest, smoothest, vanilla-est stuff!
We're now on the fourth big container of strawberries and second pint of gelato, and this came home with me last time:
So, you have that WITH the vanilla gelato AND the strawberries plus peaches and blueberries....
It's all his fault.