The backyard-chicken movement may be a great thing for poultry fanatics, but for parents it’s a nightmare. A few years ago, it was easy enough to say, “Oh, honey, we’d love to have a pet chicken, but unfortunately you aren’t allowed to keep hens in Hamden, Conn.
.” No more. Egg-gathering activists in those communities successfully lobbied for legalization. Naturally you can try lying to your children, but if they are old enough and resourceful enough they will eventually navigate their way to the forum on local laws and ordinances, and the jig will be up.
I don’t even have that excuse to fall back on. In Brooklyn, hens are perfectly legal, and while it’s a stretch to say there’s a coop in every backyard, there is one on a front lawn not far from where we live. I used to walk my boys, Dexter and Elliot, to see it, in the days when this seemed like a harmless diversion. I’ve stopped doing that now.