"Mad Hungry with Lucinda Scala Quinn" is a half-hour daily cooking show designed to bring family back to the dinner table, focusing on simple and straightforward recipes that deliver big flavors with minimum fuss. The show, hosted by the food editor for Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia, Lucinda Scala Quinn, provides "real life, real time" action plans for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. "Mad Hungry" airs weekdays at 11 a.m. ET/10 a.m. CT on Hallmark Channel.
Lucinda started cooking professionally as a teenager, and has worked as a chef, cooking teacher, caterer, and food writer. Lucinda, her husband, and their three hungry boys live in New York City.
The show's page: the Mad Hungry Blog & more about the show was kind of intrigued with it, and enjoyed watching a cooking show that wasn't a foodnetwork creation
I'mm sure YOUR food rocks too!