I still haven't settled on a food processor to replace my old one. There have been some good discussions on this topic here but I don't recall any mention of this model. I haven't ever done a lot a breads and baking but wonder if I might with a food processor that adds that option and is truly powerful enough to handle it. If I go that route then this seems like the model to beat in most comparisons. In fact Amazon featured an excellent review by someone (the first one) who did a side-by-side comparison of the larger capacity Cuisinarts. And the warranty on this one is unmatched (20yrs on the powerful induction motor), although it seems, regardless of warranty, that most models last and last. But is it too big for everyday use? It would definitely have to have a home on the counter because I wouldn't want to move this big boy around.
http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/B0000A1ZN5/bp0cf63-20I attempted to do some comparison price shopping on this model, but this one is very hard to find and so the Cuisinart home site's price is pretty much the standard at $350. So no deals to be had.
It does seem to truly be a 'limited edition'. Bummer.
http://www.cuisinart.com/products/food_processors/mp-14n.htmlMy other option is just to go with their Elite, Prep Plus or Custom models (also 14 C) or
a good quality 9 Cup that doesn't take up as much space and, with a few exceptions, is all the volume capacity I need for most things.