Food & Architecture!
Kitchen tours: few of you may know that I was fortunate enough to design the small house that Bill and I live in. I did it while I was going through chemo a few years ago, so I really had the focus and time to think about every inch of my kitchen. Wasn't up to much of anything else for months. Not only did it help me get through cancer treatment, but it gave me a great kitchen with a bunch of bargains that I shopped online for. A third passion is "treasure hunting" - I LOVE finding something at a great price. LOL Anyway, I love my kitchen. It's really easy to work in...but, we are about to sell the house and move into something even smaller since my health has taken a nose dive again, and so, I have been looking at kitchens to inspire me (and cheer me up!)
The link above has some really great home kitchen tours, of mostly non-famous cooks, but a few fairly well known too - like Sarah Moulton (of Gourmet mag and food television shows) and some wonderful ideas. Thought you guys might enjoy them!