found growing veggies from seeds MUCH harder that growing flowers from seeds. In order to have seedlings big and healthy enough to transplant outdoors once the frost season has passed, you need to start them indoors now with a good light source, heat, right amount of moisture, etc. (that in itself can get expensive (warming tray, grow lamp, etc.) or you need a warm greenhouse. I tried to do it w/out all those things, and my seedlings never got big enough to handle transplanting in time to actually produce any veggies. Peas are the only exception to my from-seed disasters and I've had good luck putting them out in very early Spring (mid-march.) I'm experimenting with a batch this year that went into a container last week.
I wouldn't try using your organic pepper seeds for the reasons mentioned above.
Lettuces and herbs, on the other hand, are easy to grow from seed. You can plant lettuces now, provided you can cover them up on really cold nights. Swiss Chard is another cold-tolerant choice and the "Rainbow" variety is pretty as well as tasty and good for you.
Being in the DC area, you probably have a lot of garden centers around, but if you are interested in organically grown transplants, I can recommend The Tasteful Garden . I got great tomatoes and peppers from them last year. They will ship them to you at the right time for transplanting in your zone and with instructions on how to harden them off before planting outside.
I really liked getting plants that were healthy and organic and past the fragile, tender seedling stage.
Well, this is rather a long non-cooking post in the C&B forum, so come hang out w/us in the Gardening forum this year. There are lots of experienced smarties there and my garden really benefited from their combined wisdom last year. :hi: