Yesterday I went grocery shopping. I don't go often but every few weeks I will go to a particular store where I find staples to be much more reasonable.
My list was short but as always, I find a few things I have to buy. Yesterday, a big bunch of Hydroponic Basil. Had to have that. I was told it was $1.49 a bunch, there was no sign. When I looked at my receipt when I got home, there it is... $2.49
This is the part that astounded me. I needed sugar, down that isle, Domino and the house brand, both in 5 pound bags. House brand, $2.69, Domino(the yellow pkg) .....$5.79. Cannot figure this out. If this is some kind of a marketing thing from Domino to make us buy their 4 pound can at a lower price, it will backfire. People do check the 'price-per-pound tags, although sometimes they are missing.
There is no earthly reason for this brand to be over $3.00 higher. Sign of things to come? I bought 2 bags of the house brand when I would usually buy one.
Almost all the fruits and veggies are now sold by the pound. Takes some getting used to. I'm used to paying whatever was on the price sign. Now in small letters appears 'lb'. Nice heads of Romaine used to be .99, of course now it is .99 (lb). To add insult to injury, the greens are sprayed. I really don't like that. I feel it accelerates spoilage plus, I'd rather not pay for the water, thank you.
Like most of us, I shop the fliers but even that is discouraging. As an example, one big chain around here almost always advertises a popular brand of cheese, with the 'save $2.00' legend. Baloney. Our local, small town deli sells it regular price for less than the sale price of the big guy. Sure is getting complicated.
Probably going to get worse. With all the floods, rain, whatever, there will e fewer gardens this year. I have my list of veggies to buy but if this rain goes on much longer, it will be too late to get some of this stuff planted. I share a garden with a neighbor. I buy the flats, he plants and we both water and weed. I will miss that this year if it does not clear up soon. Last year the tomatoes were awful but the beans were good. Lettuce OK, squash OK too. This year it is still in the 40's and we will have a stretch of rain again for 8 days. Normal temp is about 65 degrees at this time in May. I fear the whole country has a growing problem. Things will be tough, I think.