I know you said that you can't do it right now, but QVC sent me an early-bird preview.
Total price of $363.00, 5 installments of $72.60, plus tax if applicable, no shipping/handling charges. Here's the link:
http://www.qvc.com/qic/qvcapp.aspx/view.2/app.detail/params.item.K30741.promo.RD6.cm_scid.mail?cm_ven=APTSV&cm_cat=VITAMIX082611_V1&cm_pla=ACTIVE&cm_ite=HERO1_K30741Of if it doesn't work for you, check QVC.com for Today's Special Value link
I'm glad to hear that you're off your chemo meds and thrilled to hear that juicing is making a positive difference. Re your joint pain, and given that I know about zero of your condition and trust that you have good doctors who are treating you as well as they can - here's a link to a "home remedies" site that I use from time to time. It's basically anecdotal information that people post about home remedies for conditions that they've tried and whether it works or hasn't worked for them. You may (or may not) find some information there that might be helpful to you.
http://www.earthclinic.com/CURES/joints.htmlhttp://www.earthclinic.com/CURES/fatigue.htmlFatigue is a tricky one to try to turn around, partly because it by its very nature, you often don't feel up to doing what might help it. It's something I deal with too.
I'm doing pretty well - spent last week back in my home town in Ohio for the funeral of my last living aunt - the last of my parents' generation, my generation is now "'the older generation" OMG!!!! If it hadn't been for a funeral, it would have been a wonderful visit. Still working on using foods to "get better". I've made some good progress over the past 6 months or so, but still have a ways to go. Some days are better than others, but my incidence of lung infection has dropped dramatically little low blood pressure issues. It's all an ongoing process, some improvements, some backsliding. I still credit the VitaMix and blending real foods to most of the improvement. Now if only I could motive myself to getting out walking every day....
Take good care of yourself,
:loveya: :hug: