He does enjoy it cooked, luckily. So I've been making a lot of fennel, mushroom & onion sautes.
This week, I served it as a side dish on day 1, then in the center of a halved acorn squash on day two (mushing it into the squash flesh as we ate it.) On the third day, I warmed the last of the mix in some sherry until hot, then added some non-fat dry milk reconstituted in 1/2c water at about 3x the normal ratio (so more dry milk than usual).
Forgetting the laws of science for a second, I added the milk mix to the hot sherry/mushroom/fennel/onions and it turned into a kind of soft cheese that all glopped together. WTH, I thought, and went ahead and blended it anyway as I'd planned.
After a few minutes, it pureed up nice and smooth and I returned it to the pan to reduce a bit more and served in over Naked Chik'n Cutlets topped w/a couple of reserved mushrooms. Delicious (and would have made a yummy soup, which will be my next fennel-y meal. :) )