Fruit Dutch Baby
Preheat the oven to 425 - put an oven proof frying pan in to preheat as it warms (6 inch diameter for one serving, 10 inch for two, etc - see the recipe below for proper sizing - we use a non-stick but heavy skillet will work too).
Put 2-3 tbsp butter into the pan to melt and sizzle.
As the oven/pan warm and the butter melts, peel and slice (as for apple pies) 1-2 large apples - put the apple slices into the pan (careful - will be hot!) with the butter and sprinkle liberally (I mean lots!) with cinnamon. Return to the oven until the apples are sizzling away.
As this is happening, in a bowl, whisk together - per person:
1 egg 1/3 cup flour 1/3 cup milk
until smooth (so if you go with the above, this is one serving, and good for a 6 inch pan, using one apple. For two people, 2 eggs, 2/3 cup flour, 2/3 cup milk. Use all purpose unbleached. Skim to whole milk OK).
Once the apples are really sizzling, pour the batter over the apples evenly and return to the 425 deg oven - let it bake for 25-30 minutes. I should puff up rather spectacularly and brown nicely.
Serve with good maple syrup, sprinkle with powdered sugar.
When my wife and I visited Oregon a few years ago, we had variations of the above in nearly every B&B. In the summer time, we use blueberries, blackberries or a mix of the two.
I am sure they can be made savory, adding cheddar and herbs as well.
This takes about 5 minutes to whip up and is much lighter, less filling and more satisfying than pancakes!