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Request: Vegetarian biscuits and gravy? Does it exist?

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iconoclastic cat Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jun-14-05 06:39 PM
Original message
Request: Vegetarian biscuits and gravy? Does it exist?
If anyone has a recipe, I'd love to try it! I really miss biscuits and gravy since becoming vegetarian.

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Warpy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jun-14-05 07:37 PM
Response to Original message
1. The problematic part would be the gravy
Morningstar Farms makes a great sausage patty. It's got a certain amount of junk in it but it tastes the closest to sausage. Boca Foods also makes a good sausage patty that is usable.

Fry the sausage patties in a little oil until brown and a little crunchy on the outside and all liquid is evaporated. Add a little more oil or butter and sprinkle in flour to make a roux and cook until the flour is completely cooked, smells nutty, and begins to turn off white. Meanwhile, nuke some unflavored soymilk until it's warm. Slowly add the soymilk to the roux and make sure you scrape all the little bits of browned veggie sausage off the bottom of the pan. Season heavily with freshly cracked pepper, salt to taste and a pinch of sage. When the sauce begins to boil and thicken up, crumble the veggie sausage into it.

Open up your favorite biscuits and serve.

I'm not giving proportions here because they're different every time you do it. Basically the flour and fat are in equal quantitiy. How much soymilk you add will be determined by how brown the flour got. As it turns into wallpaper paste, just add a little more hot soymilk to thin it down unitl it gets just a little thinner than you think it will be (it'll thicken slightly more off heat). Some people throw some finely chopped onion into the roux with a little thyme; I prefer using a pinch of sage to pick up the sausage flavor a bit.

Any leftover hot soymilk can go into your coffee or tea.
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iconoclastic cat Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jun-14-05 08:41 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. Have you tried this yourself?
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Warpy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jun-15-05 11:28 AM
Response to Reply #2
4. Yes.
It's not the real thing, but it's an acceptable substitute if you haven't had the real thing for a year or two.
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catmandu57 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jun-15-05 10:21 AM
Response to Original message
3. Do vegitarians eat dairy peoducts?
If so, then making a simple white gravy to cover biscuits would work.
I can't remember the recipe off the top of my head, but I'll try and someone else can clean it up.
To make a simple white sauce
(2) tbls butter/margerine
(1/4) cup flour
salt and pepper
(1) cup milk

melt the butter with salt and pepper, add flour cook over medium heat until it's a golden brown, stirring frequently, add the milk and cook until it's thick.
It's just a basic white sauce, but it'll work.
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Mr. McD Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jun-15-05 05:38 PM
Response to Original message
5. Onion gravy
I have never tried this with vegetable stock. I use it for Bangers and Mash.

1/2 Ounce Butter
1 medium Onion,finely chopped
1 Stock cube - (pork, chicken, lamb, beef, vegetable or tomato and herbs)
1/2 pint Hot water
2 Tablespoons flour, blended with a little cold water

Salt and black pepper - to season

Melt the butter in a small saucepan. Add the onion and fry gently until
really well browned - this will give color and flavor to the gravy

Dissolve the stock cube in the hot water and add to the saucepan. Add the
blended flour and heat, stirring constantly, until thickened and
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