Hi all:
I'm not sure if I am in the right forum. If I'm not, please let me know.
I am canning some of my vegetables for the first time this year. I read up a lot on the subject and brought some quality equipment. I've been very careful about making very small batches, taking my time and double-checking all details.
Pickles were the first thing I did and they appeared to turn out fine. I moved on to tomatoes. The first ones I did were fine, I canned them in a pint jar. This weekend, I canned a larger batch using quart containers. Although the jars were full when I packed them, the settled quite a bit after they were processed. I was leaving about a 1/4 inch of headspace and when they were finished, I had almost an inch of headspace. Is this normal? I made sure to run a spoon down the sides of the jars to eliminate any trapped air but it just doesn't seem right that the contents would settle that much. My tomatoe sauce jars came out fine. It's only the jars that had chopped tomatoes, garlic and basil that had a problem.
I don't trust them so I am going to empty the contents and freeze it>
Would like to know if this is normal or if I am doing something wrong