I enjoy exchanges like the one you posted. I tend to get too involved in the political discussions on DU, which almost inevitably leave me feeling drained and discouraged. I'd like to see this Group add a dimension of discussion regarding how we live our spiritual lives in such a difficult time as this. Goddess knows I could use a different focus! hahaha One of the reasons I joined the Circle is because of the energy I'd experienced in another group I was in a few years ago. That one didn't last very long, unfortunately, and I'd been feeling a bit of emptiness as a result. Not that my own meditation/ritual times aren't fulfilling, but there is just something about a group effort. I firmly believe in the Christian concept of "2 or 3 gathering together"; joined minds and wills are so much more powerful and energetic.
I feel good with this group. :)
My background is straight Celt on both sides of my family. My father's side has left written records as far back as 1064, in the Celtic area of northern France. The ancient Roman city of Trier is named after us; my ancestors settled it in 500 BCE. :) We went to England with William, and settled in Penzance. My mother's father was from Ireland.
My spiritual practice is not purely Celtic, however, although a lot of Celtic elements are incorporated into it. A little Zen, a little paganism, a little Beatitudes. :) In my view, it all works out to the same result.
Nice to make your acquaintance. :D