Edited on Fri Nov-12-04 09:05 PM by TankLV
This is from something I took a few years ago, and it is an interesting month-long series of exercises.
I'm still at work - on my way out the door - and the items for suggested readings, etc. are at home.
What the author suggest are similar to the following:
The medititations are for a whole day devoted to one.
1) Notice what you hear or listen or pay attention to. Do you pay attention to gossip, and the misery of others, like the car wreck in the next lane, or do you pay attention to joy and good news, like a beautiful view or someone's wonderful story, or celebrations. The listening part is first, because usually we are not completely paying full attention to when someone is saying or telling us something.
2) Notice what you say or talk about. It is usually more important to listen than to speak, but when you speak, do you promise things to yourself and others that you have no intention of completing, do you spread gossip and negative stories about someone or something, or do you limit what you say to just EXACTLY what you mean. For example, I often promise that I will start an exercise program, spend more time with the family, etc, when I know that circumstances will not permit it or I will and have let other things become more important than my word.
Things like that.
It builds on from there.
I might mot be relating this correctly.
Also - I just thought it might be helpful to repeat the times for each time zone for those of us who are trying to figure it out who are not in EST zone.