...this way?
Tonight, we took our daughter to the doctor because she had a 103 temp. The doctor saw her and said she was "the sickest little girl I've seen all day." He recommended that she get blood drawn. She was fine through the entire exam. No crying--very cooperative--but exhausted from vomiting and being so hot.
We explained to our 3yr old that she was going to have her finger poked, but that it would be finished in a second. She was scared and she was crying a bit. However, she was not out of control. She sat on my lap, just crying a bit.
In storms this technician with her plastic tub full of supplies. My daughter was crying a bit, still on my lap. The technician, a middle-aged woman, gruffly said to my 3yr old, "OK! We can do this the EASY WAY, or the HARD WAY, which is it going to be???"
I just kept trying to reassure my daughter and let her know it would be over soon. I held her as the woman was getting the needle/poker ready. My daughter saw it and started crying a bit harder. I distracted my daughter with a picture of Big Bird. The technician was just about to poke her when my daughter looked saw the needle. She was scared and she cried. She didn't move or scream...she was just scared. The tech then said, "OK!! If you're gonna fight me this is going to be harder on you, not me!"
The woman poked her, and of course, it hurt. She then had to "milk" the blood out of her finger. It was so awful to watch it. She scraped her finger on the edge of the tube, in which the blood drops were stored. She took about 20 drops. I'm not criticizing this woman's technique. It was her manner that outraged me. I assume that her methods were normal.
I understand that shots and finger pokes are traumatic for parents, as well as children. However, I've NEVER SEEN SUCH AN UNEMPATHETIC, GRUFF, ABRASIVE PERSON who worked in the medical field! My other child has had shots. It was hard, but it wasn't like this!! The nurse who saw my daughter, before the doctor, was wonderful and kind!
This woman seemed ready for a fight from the moment she walked in the door! My daughter is only 3, for God's sake!!! She was scared, sick and running a 103 temp.
I am planning on complaining about this woman to the Director of Nursing.
Do you think I am overreacting?