Get all the Moms together for the organizational meeting. It's an "assumed" that most of you already know each other and have similar principles of child-rearing..
Ours worked on a simple point system:
We used a simple notebook (pre computers) Each month someone was the "secretary" For being secretary , each menber gave her "1 hour"..
You could save or use your hours..
daytime hours in your own home cost you 1.5 hours for each hour used nighttime hours were 2 hours for each hour used taking your child to sitter's house cost 1 hr for each hour used
The secretary was the only one called for a sitter, and since she had "the book" she knew who "needed to earn hours" that month, and would be eager to pay back or earn back credits..
When you sat..you banked hours..when you had your kids watched, you spent them..
The points/hours/credits (whatever you call them) are PER CHILD..
I had 3 kids, so I was always eager to sit, so I could bank enough credits to "pay" for someone watching MY kids for an afetrnoon..
It was great fun for MY kids too, because when someone brought their kids over, it was like a playdate for them..
We set an upper limit of how many hours you could "owe" the co-op, so that people did not take advantage.
By rotating the secretary position each month, you always had a chance to pay back without sitting a lot..
We used a very simple set-up, but with computers and spreadsheets you could tweak it anyway you wanted..