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Movie ratings that WORK for parents. I LOVE this site.

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blondeatlast Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jul-09-05 09:24 AM
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Movie ratings that WORK for parents. I LOVE this site.
Edited on Sat Jul-09-05 09:26 AM by blondeatlast
We use this in the library to determine if a movie meets our criteria for children's materials.

They make no value judgments, they simply explain in some detail what may be of concern to children (or parents), them leave the decision up to the individual.

Based on their reviews, I've had to say NO to some movies my son's friends got to see, but I didn't find appropriate for him (mostly due to violence and developmental appropriateness). For instance, many of my son's friends saw Spiderman, but I told him no because of the death of the parents--and his grandfather had died a very short time earlier.

Having seen Spiderman myself, I know I made the right decision.


Unlike the MPAA we do not assign a single and inscrutable rating based on age. Instead we assign each film 3 ratings in objective categories on a scale of 0 to 10, according to quantity and context: one for SEX & NUDITY, one for VIOLENCE & GORE and another for PROFANITY. Since we make no recommendations, critical or based on age, we enable concerned adults to determine whether a film is appropriate for them and their children according to their own criteria and values. more »

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Chalco Donating Member (817 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jul-10-05 06:48 AM
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1. Thanks very much. I like it! nt
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Ravenseye Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jul-13-05 02:50 PM
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2. A good start but not complete
There's somthing else it intensity. Take War of the Worlds and Million Dollar Baby.

War of the Worlds 1.6.4 Rated PG-13

Yes you can make your own decision based on the reviews, and that's a good thing, but the War of the Worlds review I don't think accurately displays how scarey the movie is, not just for kids, but adults as well. It's particularly psychologically scarey the way the film was done. I loved it. My wife was scared out of her mind, my 13 year old niece had her head covered. Not even 30 minutes into the movie we were wondering whether we should have brought her.

I'd have rather taken her to see something like say The Upside of Anger <2005> - 5.6.5. Sure there is a bit more sexy nudity, laying in bed together, but it's not porn, and they swear a bit more, and the violence is either funny, or just...well normal...

Not 10 story tripods vaporizing people, grabbing others and mashign them up and spraying their blood out as fertilizer while emiting a deep bass note...

Am I making sense?
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Ms. Toad Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jul-18-05 09:57 PM
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3. Yes...a wonderful site - and another perspective
The rule in our house was that our daughter could not watch R rated movies unless they had been pre-screened by moms.

The problem we ran into was that a good number of movies were rated R because they dealt with homosexuality (not a problem, since she has two moms and has been dealing with that issue for nearly 15 years), they used vulgar language (also not a problem - she's going to hear those words anyway; she learns by real life example that they are generally not appropriate for polite conversation), they realistically deak with other mature topics (I'd much rather have her watch the real complexities of addressing the problem of murder in our society - like in "Dead Man Walking" than watching movies which make violence seem like sport). A lot of the PG-13 movies are pure trash - and generally include a lot more explicit gratuitous sex than the R rated ones.

This site has eliminated the problem, and the hassle of prescreening everything before we rent it from the video store. I can read a description of what is contained in the movie and have been able to consistently make appropriate decisions about what to let her watch.
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