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Thanks!! Son is doing much better!

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rbnyc Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jul-14-05 08:02 AM
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Thanks!! Son is doing much better!
Edited on Thu Jul-14-05 08:02 AM by rbnyc
I think part of it is that he's growing up, but also, a big part of it is some of the great advice you've all given me.

The 2 big problems with my son were not sleeping through the night, and not wanting anyone but me--screaming for me and not letting his father care for him.

I successfully shifted his bedtime to one hour earlier, and got rid of the baby monitor, so that I only check on him if he really pitches a fit.

He has slept through the night the past 4 nights in a row!

And the past several days, he has not cried when I've left for work in the morning. And the other night, my son and I were in the living room, and my husband went to take a shower, and my son went over and started banging on the bathroom door and yelling "Da!' It was so great to be ignored!

He just turned 10 months old yesterday.

He can also take 3 steps without holding on to anything before he falls down.


Anyway, thanks for all your help recently. It made a big difference.
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wildeyed Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jul-14-05 03:34 PM
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1. Great news rbnyc!

Sleeping through the night AND Daddy has achieved most favored parent status. I used to feel dissed when my kids would favor their dad, that is until I figured out that it freed me up to read a book or while they pasted themselves all over him for a change :P
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trotsky Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jul-14-05 06:07 PM
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2. That is so awesome, rbnyc!
So glad things are improving!

Wow, already starting to walk at 10 months - our son wasn't at that stage until 13 months. But it's a mixed blessing, as I'm sure people have told you. Once they get bipedal, they are into EVERYTHING!
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rbnyc Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jul-14-05 08:36 PM
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3. That's a fact!
And we only have 2 rooms that are fully baby-proofed. (And even in those rooms, you realize there's really no such thing as baby-proof.)
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