With mine, if they are already overtired, it is actually harder to put them to bed. You could use the extra rest, too.
Second, I would put limits on the snacks. I give mine a set amount of time to eat. I give them a 5 minute warning. And then I put the food away. I get the occasional 'but mommy, I'm huuuuungry' before bed, but I don't give in. It is a ploy to extend bedtime, they are not really hungry. Mine also ask for extra sips of water before bed (but mommy, I'm thiiiiirsty), which I do allow. The first few nights you do this will be difficult, but once he knows you mean business, he will settle down.
As another poster suggested, adding some more cuddle time might help, too. Since your wife's health is not the best right now, your son my be missing some of her attention during the day. Maybe an extra story or some singing when the two of you can cuddle up might help. I really like reading to little ones. There is all the research about it being good for literacy, but also, it is a time when my attention is totally focused on the child. As busy as we are, I tend to forget to do that without the reading routine.