My son was diagnosed with Asperger's about two years ago and one of the first things a therapist stated was that in some cases medication may help alleviate some issues that these kids face. For the longest time I was always hesitant to consider medicating my child and in fact we did try it once at the very beginning but the medication that was recommended, Ritalin, only made him more angry and hostile.
I felt that I could handle the depression, anxiety and the moody behavior that my child exhibited. I rationalized that, who isn't moody, depressed or anxious??? I was also affected by the peer pressure around me, the parents who say things like ..."some people just want to dope their kids"...and I knew that wasn't me, I love my little boy...I wasn't trying to do dope him.
BUT...the severe anxiety of his disorder, the fear of any new situation and the depression and his remarks about hurting himself and wishing he were dead were wearing me out. No matter what I said it did not alleviate how his mind was working....so last month I took my son to see a psychiatrist and he was prescribed a medication.
One month later, there are dramatic differences. He is smiling more, he is laughing and his fear and anxiety have diminished enough so that outings to the museum or to new places are no longer so upsetting.
He is even trying to engage other children in conversation and talking about how he feels...for what seems the first time in a very long long time.
He is even willing to work with the therapists and this will if anything push his progress futher along.
I know that his mind is wired differently than others, and I know that no medication or therapy will fix everything, but we can help him cope with the world and learn to enjoy it.
So for those parents who have children on medication, I understand your plight and to those individuals who are not familiar with these situations please reserve your judgement until you know more about each situation.