my daughter is bp, maybe borderline. she is more self destructive than what you are going through. she wouldn't break the snow globe, she would just steal it, and give it to someone else. but i do understand living in chaos and trying to keep your bearings. i remember very well that day we admitted this kid to a psyche ward. we walked out of that hospital, feeling like monsters. we were so relieved, we deserved to feel relieved, but we felt like jerks instead. there are no moments of satisfaction with a problem child like this, and you need those to keep going as a parent. the small successes always look so puny. that kid that you dreamed of when you were pregnant, and when you met that baby is never going to be. it is a loss, like a death. and care for these kids is so fucked up. my kid is doing pretty well, but only because of the odd quirk that the school system ends up being responsible for kids like this, and we got her a good placement. i sure the heck understand being grateful for monday. i dread her graduation in june. i predict she will spend the entire summer on my couch. she wants to go to college, and she is assured of a grant from the school she is in. but i cannot see her succeeding at this point. so we have to pour $10,000 or so down the toilet to prove we believe in her. i think working for a year or 2 first would give her some space to get her shit together, but the grant specifies that she go directly to a 4 year college. and that she go full time. so, there you see it again. i should be happy that she wants to go, and that she can get some grants, and that she is being supported and encouraged. but i am dreading the whole thing. vent away, dear. some of us here will get it.