I did seek the advice of 2 friends as well. The one who recommended the camp said this "I told her that the reservations were made and that she was going to have an adventure. I told her that kids and camp go together like ham and eggs. So, off she went. Being away for two weeks really helped her grow up. She no longer needed a light on before she fell asleep, and she immediately retired her baby blanket to her "childhood treasures" box in the attic. She also started going to sleepovers again. She turned a major corner in her ability to cope with basic anxieties. When I think about raising my kids and all the things I did right versus wrong, sending them away to summer camp was a hugely good thing."
A friend who is a therapist said "You know, she's always been oppositional and then gets over it. Going to camp is a good thing. If she doesn't like it she doesn't have to go back the next year. I wouldn't worry about it."
When I picked her up from school yesterday the first thing she said was "I don't like you" to which I responded "That's ok, I like you." Then, her mood changed and she was happy and said that she'd asked a friend to go to the camp and that she'd said yes. (I've already talked to the parent who says the girl's summer is already filled up.) But, it looks like my daughter has already adjusted to the idea of camp.